We strive to offer the most services we can to our ever growing patient need. Each of our services are listed here as well as accepted insurances.

  • We offer individual and some couples therapy in an outpatient setting. Our patients are seen up to 2 times per week in person or via telehealth.

  • We offer assessment and diagnosis, Co-occurring Disorder group, IOP group, OP group, and individual counseling services at our offices. Our IOP group is M,T, and TH 5:30 to 8:30pm. Our OP group W 5:30 to &:30pm and our Co-occurring Disorders group is M,T, and TH 1:00 to 4:00pm

  • We have 2 different medication providers that we work with on a regular basis. Our services include MAT therapy as well as traditional medication management.

Insurances that we can accept

  • Aetna




    Coordinated Care

    Community Health Plan of Washington

    First Choice Health

    Kaiser Permanente


    Pacific Source Health

    Premera\Blue Cross Blue Shield

    United Healthcare\Optum

  • Amerigroup

    Community Health Plan of Washington

    Coordinated Care

    Premera* Prior Authorization can be required

No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay and there is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available. Beyond Behavioral Health LLC offers a Sliding Fee Discount Program, designed to provide free or discounted care to those who have no means, or limited means, to pay for their medical services (uninsured or underinsured). In addition to quality healthcare, patients are entitled to financial counseling by someone who can understand and offer possible solutions for those who cannot pay in full. Beyond Behavioral Health LLC bases program eligibility solely on a person’s ability to pay and will not discriminate on the basis of an individual’s race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The Federal Poverty Guidelines are used in creating and annually updating the sliding fee schedule to determine eligibility.

A request for discounted services may be made by the patient, a family, or a case manager or social service staff on the client’s behalf. To request an application, please contact out Patient Account Specialist at chaskins@beyondbh.com.  You will receive a prompt reply with the necessary forms and documents to complete and return.